Monday, January 24, 2011

The studio

       In it's last month of being, the studio, is becoming an important part of my everyday life. I blame it on the new pottery classes I am teaching that have renewed my love of pottery. As well as the fact that we move in a month, leaving my first ever studio behind. When a home comes to an end it is easier to hold dear the things about the house and the studio that I might have cursed before. Like the fact that the "studio"  is a shed.
       I am making myself a promise to keep things way cleaner in my next studio. Promise. Clay muck and mud everywhere does not encourage creativity. It promotes procrastination.
          So now as I go over my metal list of "I need to start the kiln, sometime today. Check on the new mug trays I am starting and I hope I remember to trim that last bowl," I am struck with the fact that I really kinda made that shed my studio, and I really did do a lot of learning that could not have happened any where else.

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